Non-Profit Fundraising

Tiffany Bri Photography
At Jubilee, we have a passion for our local mission-driven organizations. To put it simply, you are heroes. We are proud to put our superpowers to work to support you!
We know how to help you tell your story with events that reflect your values and support your organization's mission. We provide dynamic leadership and effective collaboration with teams of professionals or volunteers. And, we’re really good at keeping your whole team calm, confident and focused during busy event production days.
With 16+ years of experience in the trenches, Jubilee Event Engineers is uniquely poised to help your organization gracefully meet this year's budget, and build winning strategies for the long haul. Contact us today to see how we can help.
Past and current non-profit clients include:
Allied Arts of Seattle
Artist Trust
Bellevue Arts Museum
Bellevue Schools Foundation
Bike Works
Bright Water School
Building Changes
Center on Contemporary Art
Citizen University
Community for Youth
Cornish College of the Arts
Duwamish Tribal Services
Economic Opportunity Institute
Engineers Without Borders (Puget Sound Chapter)
Food Lifeline
Friends of the Children
Greater Seattle Bureau of Fearless Ideas
Home Alive
Hospice of Kitsap County
InterIm Community Development Association
Low Income Housing Institute
Mukilteo Schools Foundation
NARAL Pro-Choice Washington
Neighborcare Health
Northwest African American Museum
Partners in Hope
PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support)
Performing Arts Center Eastside
Pike Market Child Care & Preschool
Pratt Fine Arts Center
Puget Sound Community School
Queen Anne Helpline
Sacred Heart Shelter
Seattle Dance Project
Seattle Goodwill
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra
SHAG (Senior Housing Assistance Group) Community Life Foundation
SouthEast Effective Development
The Max Foundation
Velocity Dance Center
Whim W’Him
Food Lifeline
Dress Down Hunger Annual Fundraiser
330 Guests Venue: Food Lifeline Warehouse Catering: DSquared Music: Jes Raymond & The Blackberry Bushes Photos: Dani Weiss Photography

2016 Teeny Awards
200 Guests Venue: Benaroya Hall Catering: DSquared Photos: Bronwen Houck Photography and John Ulman Photography

Bureau of Fearless Ideas
People Eating and Giving Annual Fundraiser
300 Guests Venue: Fremont Studios Catering: Kaspar's Music: Kimya Dawson Photos: Joel Tietge

Bike Works
Bikecitment! Annual Fundraiser
370 Guests Venue: Seattle Design Center Catering: Madres Kitchen Photos: Danny Ngan Photography

Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra
Big Benefit 4 Orchestras
1200 guests Venue: Benaroya Hall Catering: DSquared Music: Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras Photos: Tiffany Bri Photography

Pacific Northwest Diabetes Research Institute (PNDRI)
13th Annual Evening of Wine Gala
350 Guests Venue & Catering: Sheraton Seattle Music: Sonja Mykelbust Art installation: Celeste Cooning Photos: Nataworry Photography

Pratt Fine Arts Center
Pratt Annual Fine Art Auction
500 Guests Venue & Catering: Bell Harbor International Conference Center Photos: Tiffany Bri for VANGUARD Seattle and Phototainment